Nuggets of Truth from Jen Todd

Avoid Being Vulnerable?

Would you like to be on the cover of our magazine they ask?

Umm YES of course! …smiling and giddy, I chuckle with glee and then my insides cringe of an impending vulnerability attack when they describe a photo shoot at my house and a two-page article that will be written.

We often talk in the leadership development world about embracing “vulnerability” for growth and change. I love the research from Brene Brown proving that. But really, no one is raising their hand saying YES PLEASE GIVE ME SOME OF THAT!….that word in itself can give you the heebie jeebies.

And yet, it is required to move through vulnerable spaces to step up to our true potential and do great things in the world.

Our human reaction to avoid and resist kicks in on auto-pilot when something feels big, scary or new – even when we know there is something good on the other side.

I watched all my usual resistance tactics come up this week and had to use my own coaching processes to turn it around!

What resistance tactics do you wrestle with when you feel vulnerable as you step up, do something new or put yourself out there?

➡️ Procrastinate?

➡️ Hide?

➡️ Make excuses or get busy with other things?

➡️ Spin in indecision?

➡️ Lose sleep worrying about it?

➡️ Perfect things endlessly?

➡️ Over-analyze or over-do?

I did all the above last week. What is your pattern?

The art of embracing the discomfort of vulnerability, and still taking action on our stretch goals, requires us to transform our fear stories and judgements into courageous action. Let’s stop avoiding vulnerability and use it to fuel our dreams. 

How do we do that? Read and watch the video with my 3 Step Process to shift fear and self judgement.

I love working with leaders that have a vision for change, are on a growth journey and want to take it to the next level!  If that’s you and you want to chat about doing a Retreat, Group Mastermind or Coaching Program this summer, schedule a time to talk here.

I can’t wait to share more about the magazine story in my next blog and other amazing things I’m rolling out and celebrating in August!


With gratitude,




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