Nuggets of Truth from Jen Todd

Dream Come True – New Office!

Many years ago when I moved from Chicago to my lake house in Michigan in a small community, I was searching for a well-being place to do meditation and be with growth centered people. I thought it was impossible to find…until I discovered Soothe Your Soul wellness center in Oxford and met my friend Hannah Cornell-Schroeder.

I always dreamed of working there and having an office space for coaching and workshops. Hannah and I talked about it often over the years and both intuitively knew it would happen someday, but the stars never aligned with our businesses and lives.

Jen with Hannah & Rachel, Owners

In the meantime, I did some workshops, coaching and helping to get mental health resources here after the school tragedy and lots of wellness services  for myself and fell more in love with the place every time I was here.  And kept dreaming…

The business location moved and expanded a few times and joined with others to form The Giving Tree Collective. Hannah and Rachel Hahnefeld, the owners, began inviting in partners to be part of their wellness re-imagined business.

And guess what happened?? Yep, my dream came true, I have a new office space there and I’m officially a collective partner with them!

This is so aligned with my long-time desire of working in a close by physical office space with other like-minded people and my strategic decision to integrate well-being as a focus with my leadership clients. The timing that seemed like forever in years, was actually in divine synchronicity with my journey, business and theirs.

My new office – come see me!

I am excited to say I am now…

➡️ Seeing local coaching clients in person in my beautiful office space in Oxford, Michigan.  If you live in the Detroit area, come see the space and let’s have a coffee chat!

➡️ Leading workshops and retreats in person here and combining coaching with other mind-body-soul wellness offerings for a holistic transformational experience! Think massages, yoga, saunas, salt rooms, energy work and all kinds of healing modalities. My first fall mini-retreat here will be Nov 10th – details coming soon!

➡️ Highly recommending their holistic wellness offerings here, check them out at Just their beautiful waiting room and storefront is enough to put you into a calm state…even my 11 year old daughter begs to come with me so she can just hang out here!  Signup for their newsletter of events here:

I am so psyched about this partnership, zen space and collaborating with talented businesses who are all about “wellness reimagined.”

This is a reminder for us all that sometimes things take alot longer than we’d like but end up in perfect divine timing. We have to keep trusting our inner voice of truth, the vision and taking steps towards our dreams!

If you aren’t in the Michigan area to come work with me in person, here are virtual ways I can support you this fall…

➡️ JOIN MY MASTERMIND GROUP IN LATE FALL – For solo-prenuers of a consulting or coaching business that want growth, community and a major up leveling in their work, business and life.  Schedule a call with me to explore if this kind of special group is a fit for you and ask me for the video!

➡️ COACHING PROGRAM – Book a call with me to explore how I can support you with a virtual customized leadership coaching program to achieve your highest vision! Schedule a chat with me here.

➡️ PURPOSE DISCOVERY – Send me an email with the word PURPOSE in the subject line and I will send you my signature FREEPurpose Discovery Roadmap of guided process to uncover the 3 key elements of purpose to help you align your best professional path.

Keep believing in your dreams and look forward to seeing you soon!

Jen Todd

Leadership & Transformation Coach
CEO, Breakthrough Partners Inc.
LinkedIn Profile
Unleashing Purpose, Power & Presence


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