We all know misery loves company, that’s why we can’t wait to complain and vent to anyone who has ears to listen…or a social media account with a like button.
But ya know what misery loves more than company?
We want out of that situation, job, dysfunctional relationship, toxic system or boss, or group that doesn’t align with our values, or _____ (name what it is for you).
Inherently we are wired to not like change, even when it’s good for us. So let’s do a hack and bypass all the resistance, excuses and BS our brain does and choose to:
A pivot is “to turn or rotate”, like on a hinge.
When you pivot, you are still connected to the center, but you are turning in a slight or major way.
Your center is that which is important to you.
Misery shows up when that is comprised, suppressed or not able to be expressed.
If you are centered in that which is most important to you, you can pivot in all kinds of different ways and stay true to who you are and what you’re here to do.
If you resonate with misery, now is the TIME TO PIVOT.
Stop right now, take a deep breathe and be honest with yourself:
What pivot do you need to make right now or in the near future?
Don’t let misery keep eating at your soul, keeping company at your team meetings or family dinners.
Not a single more day or hour needs to be wasted or painfully endured.
Make the choice.
Your freedom and joy are waiting.
If you feel stuck or scared and want help to executive your pivot plan with CLARITY, CONFIDENCE and CENTERED in what’s most important to you, I’d love to support you!
Here’s an example of what our executive coaching programs do….My recent VP client just shared his pivot and this testimonial:
“I had been dealing with challenges with growing job responsibilities, a work culture that’s not always a fit for my style, and strained relationships I was trying to repair. Through Jen and her coaching program, I am now leading (and parenting) more empathetically, responding to situations from a place of positivity and creativity, and feeling less stress. As an engineer by training who naturally doesn’t pick up the human side of leadership and relationships, I now better understand the science and neurochemistry of my brain and I’ve shifted how I show up personally and professionally. In just 2 months, I’m getting credit for a positive shift at work, feel more effective at my job, and in partnering and collaborating that will benefit me for years to come in all aspects of my life.” – Dan, Vice President, Financial Services Company
If you want to explore how coaching can create massive results and a pivot for you, send me a confidential email here that I will respond to right away or grab a time to talk live with me.
Here to support you always,