We are living in a disruptive, chaotic, state of change right now that has us swimming in a sea of high emotions, fear, anxiety and trepidation. We can be tempted to delay action on our big goals, or we get too worked up to know what to do, or we fall into despair because it’s all just overwhelming. And exhausting…don’t forget that one. Seems to be my body’s favorite state of being this month.
In these times of frenzied change we need hope, inspiration and positive belief in our ability to make change and still achieve our goals.
Our fear brains are on FIRE with the societal anxiety – the news, social media, things happening in our country, communities, work places and families – and the energy of others who occupy spaces all around us. It feels like the world is screaming, and our minds and bodies are in a constant state of fight or flight.
This is when I DOUBLE DOWN on my daily centering practices…especially in the morning!
It is critical to slow down, calm the nervous system, focus the mind, shift the limiting fear stories (see my last blog on that) and create space to get centered. One of my guidelines for the year that I have posted in front of me daily is “CREATE SPACE”.
How are you CREATING SPACE to get mentally and emotionally CENTERED?
This is key to staying the course this year on what you want to achieve and having well-being. I wrote in my last few blogs about this and other success strategies for goal achievement which still apply and even more so as systems are changing around us. Here is the blog article of Top 10 Mistakes & Goal Success Strategies.
Enough of procrastinating, pushing, overthinking and SHOULDing out our goals – that does not work!
Do these 5 things instead to be clear on your vision and stay engaged in your goals.
- Tune into your deep true desires, the purpose and why behind it
- Imagine what it would look and feel like, who you would be and what you would be doing
- Write it down, and I mean with your own little hands and a pen! (brain remembers better)
- Make or find visuals that you like foreach goal, new behavior and mindset that brings the energy out and look at it every day (it will create new neuropathways and connections)
- Check yourself that the vision and goals are inspiring and light you up…NO shoulds or living someone else’s dreams or societies view of success and joy – make it YOURS TRULY!
This writing and visual process is powerful and will bypass your perfectly logical excuses, limiting thoughts, fear flare ups and activate your wise self to PULL forth more action!
At my latest New Year 3 C’s Visioning Retreat in Michigan, we did just that. Grateful to the incredible local women leaders who created their 2025 Visions, Guideposts, Mantras, Goals and beautiful boards!
If you are in the Detroit area and haven’t been to my office space yet, come see me at the Giving Tree Collective’s Open House on March 7th. The space is beautiful, and you can get a tour, have some snacks, feel the ZEN, see all innovative wellness options and meet the people that make the magic happen!
I love your feedback and I mean it – what resonated with you? Email me at jtodd@breakthroughpartner.com. I had a few people lately tell me they don’t ever comment or reply to these blogs because they assume I get so many responses that I wouldn’t want to hear from them. THAT COULD NOT BE FARTHER FROM THE TRUTH! I absolutely love hearing from all of you in any way shape or form and I will respond back – you are why I write these and I want them to be valuable!
Please reply here for us to chat if I can be of service to you and help you achieve your vision and goals this year.
Believing in you!