‘Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love? Can the child within my heart rise above? Can I sail through the changin’ ocean tides? Can I handle the seasons of my life?’
– Landslide, Stevie Nicks
20 years ago I drove away down Pacific Coast Highway with the top down on a silver Sebring Convertible. Wind blowing through my hair, jamming this song, I had just graduated with my Masters in Organization Development from Pepperdine University.

With pride and the hope of the world in my heart, I threw my cap off in Malibu and decided I was leaving my corporate job to start my own business.
I was about to enter a new season of my career and life. It was a huge leap. Could I handle it? Would I make it? Anyone who has ever left their safe, secure job to start their own thing knows the thoughts and feelings I am talking about.
20 years later, I’m overjoyed to report as you now know, I did make it! The journey has been exciting, beautiful, overwhelming, challenging and as grandly unpredictable as the ups and downs of the ocean waves I drove by on that momentous day.
I’ve been reflecting this month (while jamming Stevie Nicks a lot) on how I navigated it all… It’s not just about how I created all the wins and successes, the real deal on longevity of our missions living out in the world is how we react, respond to and rebound from the things that derail our beautiful vision and grand plans.
And I have certainly had my share of derailers, how about you?
Here is my wisdom of 5 lessons learned of what kept my Breakthrough Partners business and leadership coaching career alive and thriving after 20 years.
If you have always dreamed of having your own business or you are the leader or owner of any sort of mission, organization, calling, or group, this Top 5 list is for you!
- Always have a team of support – This means people who support your vision, have your best interests at heart and the expertise and skills to support all areas of your work and life. Even if your work is “solo”, it takes a village to run a business or mission and do not attempt to wear all hats. Trust me, you don’t have enough heads, I’ve tried it before! It’s important to have coaches, advisors, mentors and support people to share and delegate work, collaborate with, lift you up and help you up get back up, when things are going down. Invest in yourself and your support and it will pay off in all ways!
- Master your mind or your fears will be your master – The fears and ‘what if’ scenarios when you are out on your own are endless. Our brains are auto wired for survival and safety so your inner critics can go nuts. If you listen to them they KILL you and your visions and plans. You must have DAILY practices for wellbeing of mind, heart, body and soul to be centered so you are not operating from your fear gremlins or the voice of the critic. If you do your mindset and well being inner work, any breakdowns, mistakes and challenges can be transformed into opportunities, learnings and catalysts for growth, change and action!
- Follow your unique path and your voice of truth – You will get oodles of advice and experts telling you how to be successful and do this or that, but what is important is that you only do what feels right for you. Learn to tune into and follow your inner voice of truth over all other voices. Don’t compare yourself to others in your field, fabulous sounding friends and especially not people working in jobs or systems that have norms or values that you don’t align with. You get to forge your own path!
- Design a work rhythm, schedule, services and type of clients that are IDEAL for you – It’s really easy to get into overdrive “hussle” mode and work endless hours and think everyone could be your client. It is critical to have clear boundaries so you don’t burn yourself out, take the wrong clients or contract for work and timing that are not realistic. Get clear on your ideal clients, schedule, services and stay in your lane. This design freedom is one of the great JOYS of being your own boss!
- Trust yourself to learn as you go – Many people never launch things because it’s too uncertain and they want the plan and have certainty in every detail. Let go of that pipe dream and don’t let it be an excuse. You do not need a plan for everything, you have to trust yourself that you can and will learn as you go. There are so many resources and skills out there, some of which is even free (think google, AI, yirtual assistants) that you will find a path to figure it out. Embrace uncertainty and everlasting learning!
And, there are so many more learnings that honestly it was hard to choose the five to share here (I had 7 more on my list!) I’d love to hear from you what resonated or if you have wisdom to share on what has contributed to your success.
If you want to take your entrepreneurial dream or mission to the next level, I would love to coach or mentor you! Here are 3 ways below and you can read more about my services at https://breakthroughpartner.com/what-we-do/
➡️ JOIN MY MASTERMIND GROUP THIS FALL – For solo-prenuers of a consulting or coaching business that want growth and community and to take their work, business and life to the next level. Schedule a call with me to explore if this kind of special small group is a fit for you and ask me for the video!
➡️ COACHING PROGRAM – Book a call with me to explore how I can support you with a customized leadership coaching and mentoring program to achieve your highest vision! Book a time to chat with me here
➡️ PURPOSE DISCOVERY – Want to know your deeper purpose that may be about starting a mission or business but aren’t sure where to start? Send me an email with the word PURPOSE in the subject line and I will send you my FREE Purpose Discovery Roadmap.
Thanks to all the partners and clients that have been on this crazy wonderful journey. Cheers to living our purpose and riding the wave of our dreams!