Nuggets of Truth from Jen Todd

Stay Centered This Season

All of our hearts are breaking over the Connecticut school tragedy. We are a nation filled with devastating grief, fear and shock this week.

The joy of the holidays can be lost just processing the events of our world, on top of the typical end-of-year stresses, like: funky family dynamics, squabbles and breakdowns, obligatory commitments, endless activities and “must-do” lists that suck the life right out of us.

Adding to the pressures, maybe your year-end projects, work results or finances aren’t quite measuring up or that new job you wanted so badly is nowhere in sight.  All of these circumstances leaving you anxious about the days and year ahead.

If you are experiencing any of this, do you wonder–
How Do I Stay Centered and find a semblance of peace during this so-called peaceful season?

I’ve asked myself this a lot, and not just during the holiday season.  This Nugget of Truth and my holiday GIFT to you (be sure to grab it at the bottom of my message) is what I have found to be the answer to this question.

The Truth is that the world around us is troubled, unpredictable and imperfect, to say the least.  We will never and dare I say again, NEVER, find peace, solace or sustainable fulfillment by trying to control the outside world.

There are so many things we have no control over and we are reminded often of this.  We have no control over people firing guns in schools or movie theaters,  terrorists strapping bombs on themselves, how the stock market performs, how long our jobs may last or if the health and well being of those we love will prevail in any moment.

Our Quest for Control Keeps Us From Peace

Truth be told, I really don’t like the word “control,”  just writing it makes my shoulders tense up.  I’ve been working for years to transform my need for control, and it’s a daily task to stay aware of my pattern and come back to center.

Here’s what I know, and all to well, about what happens when control takes us over…

We get off-center, work way harder than we need to, we fight and defend, get obsessed and attached.  We find ourselves upset, deeply dissatisfied, and even depressed giving up hope that things will get better. In essence, our want for control in the long run, renders up powerless.

No matter what strategy we try, how smart, successful, well-connected or evolved we become, we can’t make the external world fit our picture of a peaceful existence.

This leaves us to find peace in other ways.  If we can’t find it consistently in our work, bosses, paychecks, or at home, in our relationships and certainly not in the news, then what do we do?

Stop Looking Outside and Turn Inside 

You may be thinking, “nice idea Jen, but there is nothing peaceful inside of me right now.”

I promise you, there is a place inside of you that exists in the center of your being that is always still, grounded, peaceful, present and connected to a power and wisdom much greater than yourself and what your mind knows or your eyes can see.

The key to connecting to your center is in the act of  momentarily

S  L  O  W  I  N  G      D O W N  

This slowing down is often the exact opposite of what our racing minds, hurrying bodies and overactive emotions tell us to do in the midst of our challenges.

Let me help you bypass the struggle and take you right to the source of peace and power inside of you.

Right now, take a breather and follow these Five Steps to Get Centered.

1.   Take a big belly breathe INHALE and then EXHALE out all your thoughts and tensions, and feel your shoulders and chest drop into your body as you breathe out.

2.   Get silent and present to your body.  Let go of the mind chatter, the doing, thinking and analyzing.  Imagine putting it all on a shelf that you can come back to later if you need to.

3.  Close your eyes if you can, intentionally relaxing your body, every part of it, letting go of any tightness, tensions and thoughts.  Keep breathing. If you find this difficult, say a mantra like “Let go” or “Be Present” or “Get Quiet”, or whatever feels relaxing.

4.  Turn inward to locate your center in the core of your being that feels calm, peaceful, quiet and content.

5.  Keep breathing balanced slow breathes and feel this connection to your center.  Do this anytime you need to get centered.

Grab MY GIFT to you this season, a Guided Meditation to help you Get and Stay Centered – Click here to DOWNLOAD IT NOW!

Thank you for being a part of the breakthrough community and for the difference you make.  Sending you and your family wishes for peace this season, a Merry Christmas and great happiness in all your Holiday and New Year celebrations!

JOIN ME IN 2013 ————– !!!!

Join me on January 16th for a New Year’s Workshop the 3 C’s: Complete.Create.Celebrate!  If you are looking for a private or virtual new year’s process, contact me and we’ll explore what’s possible.  All proceeds go to my African women’s empowerment mission.

Help me celebrate the grand launching of two new websites and an Urban Retreat for women in Chicago in the new year…stay tuned!

With great Gratitude, Joy and Peace,

Jen Todd
CEO, Breakthrough Partners
Cell: 312-543-2595

Unleashing the Power of Leaders Who Make a Difference in the World

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